
Summer Camp




Day Date Activities
Sunday August 16 Arrival in Osaka and Check-in at JICA Osaka Center Evening:
Informal welcome party @JICA Osaka
Monday August 17 AM: Orientation and guidance
PM: Campus and Laboratory visits
Evening: Welcome reception
Tuesday August 18 All day: Cultural events and recreation
Wednesday August 19 AM: Keynote lecture on 'sustainable society'
PM: Group discussion
Evening: Cruising around Osaka Bay
Thursday August 20 All day: Attending training program @ JICA Osaka
Friday August 21 All day: Factory and Media visits
Saturday August 22 Day trip to downtown Osaka and around
Sunday August 23 Check-out @JICA Osaka Center

Osaka University

Osaka University was founded in 1931 as the sixth imperial university, starting with two faculties: Medicine and Science. However, its academic roots reach back to the Edo period. Founded in 1724, Kaitokudo, with its open academic culture that was not obsessed with specific schools or academic cliques, was a place of learning for merchants. Its unique learning and thinking was a source of pride for the citizens of that era. Established in 1838 by OGATA Koan, a doctor and scholar of Rangaku, Tekijuku, nurtured graduates who blazed the path for modern Japan, including OMURA Masujiro, known for building the foundation of Japan, as well as fs modern military, FUKUZAWA Yukichi, the founder of Keio University, and HASHIMOTO Sanai, the doctor of a feudal lord. Osaka University has carried on the tradition of their free and forward-looking academic culture as its spiritual pillars.

The study of Western sciences by means of the Dutch language, the only official Western language during the Edo period.

Let's take a look at the history of Osaka University after its foundation. In 1933, Osaka University merged with Osaka University of Engineering, thereby establishing the School of Engineering. It changed its name from Osaka Imperial University to Osaka University in 1947. Comprised of the five schools of Science, Medicine, Engineering, Letters, and Law, Osaka University made a fresh start under the educational reform conducted by the government in 1949.


The Association of East Asian Research Universities (AEARU) is a regional organization founded in January 1996, at the suggestion of President Chia-Wei Woo of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, with the goals of forming a forum for the presidents of leading research-oriented universities in East Asia and of carrying out mutual exchanges between the major universities in the region. Expectations are that this regional union, on the basis of common academic and cultural backgrounds among the member universities, will contribute not only to the development of higher education and research but also to the opening up of a new era leading to cultural, economic and social progress in the East Asian region.

AEARU's organization includes a Chairperson, a Vice-chairperson, and a Board of Directors consisting of the Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, and three other elected members. The board is comprised of one member from each of AEARU's five regions. To carry out business matters efficiently, AEARU's Secretariat is located in the same university as the Chairperson. The organization's exclusive secretary coordinates various AEARU activities and also operates and manages the organization's websites.

The AEARU membership is composed of the presidents of the leading universities in five regions of East Asia: the Chinese Mainland, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Since its foundation in 1996, a total of 17 universities from these regions have become members of the association. A general meeting attended by all member universities, is held annually. By discussing themes of shared interest at the general meeting, AEARU members both carry out actual operations of the organization as well as deepen trust and mutual understanding among the member universities.

AEARU's activities include workshops, student summer camps, student physical competitions, and various types of international symposia. These activities are held throughout the year to promote mutual exchanges of ideas and information and to develop close bonds between the member universities.

AEARU is operated by having the member universities hold activities, in principle, under a mutual rotation system. The member institutions cover the expenses of sending participants to the places where events are to be held, and the university holding the event bears the costs of conducting it.