Summer Camp Contents and Schedule

The Summer Camp schedule is available here. And these are the contents of our Summer Camp:

Campus and Laboratory Visits

We would like to show you some facilities of the Osaka University Suita campus and surroundings through this tour! We are going to have a couple of stops at state-of-the-art facilities. There our university's professors will give you a mini-lecture about their studies, laboratory equipments, and so forth.

We are designed to visit the following facilities:
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our beloved campus for this exciting tour!


Planning several parties that offer an opportunity to have fun and make a lot of friends - Yes, this is one of our main roles. We have designed a fun game for self introduction, show Japanese in a unique fashion show and offer a wonderful cruising. We would like to encourage all of you to talk to other participatnt as much as possible during the parties.

On the second day, we will introduce various Japanese fashion as well as local Kansai fashion to you by holding a fashion show. By showing various types of Japanese fashion such as kakkoi-kei (current cool one) and stereotypical geeky one, we promise you a very exciting time on board. Regarding the cruising, we will go aboard a ship at the Kobe port and enjoy the Kobe's night view, which is recognized as one of the three major nice views in the world together with Naples and Hong Kong. This concept is probably known to only Japanese though ^^

Anyway, please enjoy delicious dinner on the ship. Of course, some other programs are also held at the parties, so please build up your excitement and look forward to the fun-filled moment to come!
night view from Kobe port

and here some plus surprise! Check these links:


There are mainly two separated sessions: morning session and afternoon session.

In the morning, Mr. Yukawa is going to give a lecture about 'Sustainable Development' to you. After the Q&A (Question and Answer) session, you are going to be divided up into seven groups and talk about your impression about his speech and also, things you can learn from it. You will not only be encouraged to come up with positive feedback, but you will also receive negative feedback about his speech, so that we can have a critical analysis. We may ask you to move into a small different rooms because the lecture hall is not in an appropriate size for small discussion. After the group discussion, a representative from each group will summarize and share his/her group discussion with all participants. Then, we move on a lunch break.

In the afternoon, we'd like to give you an opportunity to talk about 'Sustainable Development'. We came up with the following seven topics pertain to this subject:

As well as in the morning, participants are again divided up into seven groups, and each representative will give a small presentation about what kind of answers or ideas came up with. If you have any ideas about a discussion topic, please do not be hesitant to advice us.

Materials for discussion

Don't worry, materials for this discussion, such as newspaper articles will be prepared. Although we have not found any good sources yet, we will update the web page as soon as we get ready for the materials. So please keep checking our website^-^.
If you have any advice or suggestions regarding the materials we are going to use at the discussion day, please feel free to contact us. Your ideas are welcomed!

Lecturer: Mr. Fumiki Yukawa

There are 64 countries where he has visited so far (and surely more in the future)! And, you know what, his goal is to be a 'private diplomat'.

The lecturer of this camp, Mr. Fumiki Yukawa, graduated from Keio University with a bachelor of Development Economics. As shown by the fact that he has served as a leader in the International Development Conference, he demonstrated distinguished leadership skills and engaged in various international exchange activities.
After the graduation of Keio University, he got a job in SONY Corporation. He was stationed in Mexico for 2 years, and also served as a VAIO's marketing leader for Asian Pacific 15 countries. Last year, he left the company and set up a business by establishing his own company named 'Ai', which means love in Japanese.

With his outstanding language ability that enabled him to speak five languages (Japanese, English, Spanish, French and Italian) fluently, he plays an active part in various international stages, let alone Japan. In the future, he plans to go into politics and serve as the Japanese Prime Minister.

Soccer, horseback riding, flower arrangement, tea ceremony, ceramics, writing lyrics and composing music, performance, dancing and writing novels...He is such a versatile man as everybody admits. What circumstances and backgrounds led him to foster the seed of this everlasting curiosity?
In his lecture, based upon his abundant experiences of visiting many countries, he will give an example of 'sustainable development' that he has seen and gone through in his life. Then, Mr. Yukawa will refer to the assertion of Mr. Al Gore whom he himself highly respect. At the end, Mr. Yukawa is clearly bringing out the problems that current society is confronting at this moment.

Training Program @ JICA Osaka

We are JICA group, and we hope you will develop your idea for global community.
We have made some interesting plans to learn what is going on in the world today and regarding to it, let's learn what we can do in the future.
Please make the most of this session and learn a great deal!
We believe that you can acquire specific vision for your contribution to the society or the world in the future.

About JICA

"Established as an independent administrative institution under the law concerning the Independent Administrative Institution Japan International Cooperation Agency (Law No. 136, 2002), JICA aims to contribute to the promotion of international cooperation as well as the sound development of Japanese and global economy by supporting the socioeconomic development, recovery or economic stability of developing regions."
(JICA's Homepage)

Factory and Media Visits

This tour will show you some famous companies in Osaka. Through this visits, we can learn some useful talks from company's officials. You might be able to know some wonderful stories pertain to their hands-on experiences which might affect your future.
We have decided to visit the following companies, all of which are based in Osaka.

Day Trip

Hello, summer camp participants!

We--the Kansai-tour group--are planning a wonderful excursion to two cities which are representative of the Japanese Kansai area: Osaka and Kobe. Osaka has been well-known for its being the city of merchants and trade since the Edo Era(1603-1868). You will have a chance to have a taste of Osaka's very own culture, food, and the Osakans' peculiar sense of humour.

On the other hand, Kobe, along with Hakodate in the north and Yokohama in eastern Japan, was one of the first Japanese sea ports open to the foreign influnces. It has also survived the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995, and nowadays rebounced as one of Japan's most prosperous cities. Whether you are from overseas or the other parts of Japan, we are certain that you will be enjoying the experience in any of these very distinctive cities during our summer camp. We are looking forward to travelling with you.

(Participants would choose either Osaka or Kobe tour.)

View Kobe and Osaka in a larger map picture above is taken from GoogleMaps

Kobe and Osaka

Kobe is located in Kansai, the western area of Japan. It is renowned as one of Japan's most important port towns, you can feel as if you were, not in Japan, but in some western countries.

Osaka is located in the center of Kansai, making it one of the most convenient transport hubs in the area.