International Finance Roundtable
‐ A Japanese Perspective ‐
1. Date: 27 February 2009
2. Time: 13:00‐15:30
3. Location: Queen Mary, University of London, 67‐69 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3JB
4. Guests:
Professor Yoshiaki NOMURA, Osaka University
Professor Tetsuo MORISHITA, Sophia University
Dr Naoe FUJISAWA, Osaka University (Research Fellow)
5. Topics include:
(1) General introduction of Japanese law updates
(2) General introduction of Japanese Securities Book Transfer Law: Comparisons
with UCC 8 and the UNIDROIT Securities Convention will be also considered.
(3) Introduction of the dematerialization of shares under the Japanese Company Law.
(4) Financial Practices under the Japanese Securities Book Transfer Law (especially focusing on
(5) Japanese law in relation to the Hague Securities Convention.
Sendai High Court,Akita Branch,Judgment,October 4,2000;
Kin'yuShoji hanrai(1106)47[2001]
Sendai-Kotosaibansyo Akita-Sibu
Heisei 11 Nen (Ne) Dai 101 Go
Heisei 12 Nen 10 Gatsu 4 kka