Book(single - authored)
- ・UN Administration and Accountability(Tokyo:Toshindo), 2012, 246 pages, published in Japanese.
Selected Articles
- ・“The United Nations: Clarification of Relationships of Accountability in regard to the UN Security Council”, in Japan Association for United Nations Studies ed., Global Governance Studies II, (Horitsu Bunka Sha, 2018), pp.2–23.
- ・“Reform of the UN Security Council: Considered based on the Three Attributes of Accountability”, in T. Hoshino et al. eds., Globalism and Responsibility of Public Policy Vol. 2, (Osaka University Press, 2018), pp. 53–79.
- ・(Peer-reviewed) “The UN Security Council Reforms and Historical Transformation of Concepts of Accountability: Toward Pragmatic Plural Accountability Mechanisms”, International Relations (Japan Association of International Relations), vol. 185, Oct. 2016, pp. 126-140, published in Japanese.
- ・“Accountability and Responsibility—Accountability as a Production Laboratory of Concepts of Responsibility”, International Public Policy Studies (Osaka University, Osaka School of International Public Policy), vol. 15, no. 2 (no. 28), March 2011, pp. 1-17, published in Japanese.
- ・“Demanding Accountability in the UN Reform”, Ken Tsutsumibayashi (ed.) Sanshokuki (Keio University Press), no. 751, October 2010. pp. 9-14, published in Japanese.
- ・“Conceptual Analysis of Accountability—Fundamental Structure of the Concept of Accountability”, International Public Policy Studies (Osaka University, Osaka School of International Public Policy), vol. 14, no. 2 (no. 26), March 2010, pp. 1-15, published in Japanese.
- ・(Peer-reviewed) “A Ladder of Accountability—Analysis of Subconcepts of Managerial Accountability in the United Nations”, Sumihiro Kuyama and Michael Fowler (eds.), Envisioning Reform: Enhancing UN Accountability in the Twenty-first Century (Tokyo: United Nations University Press), 2009, pp. 174-190, published in English.
- ・“The Concept of Accountability at the Global Level”, 2007 Annual Report of Transparency - International Japan no. 4, June 2008, published in Japanese.
- ・(Peer-reviewed) “Book Review: Edward C. Luck, UN Security Council: Practice and Promise, London and New York: Routledge, 2006, xvii+186 pp.”, International Security (Japan Association for International Security), vol. 35, March 2008, published in Japanese.
- ・“Book Review: John Bolton, Surrender is not an Option”, UN Watching (Tokyo Foundation), January 2008, published in Japanese.
- ・”Managing the United Nations for Accountability”, doctoral dissertation submitted to Hitotsubashi University, LL.D. obtained in March 2007, written in Japanese.
- ・“Management Reform of the United Nations: Introduction of New Public Management into the United Nations”, Gaiko Forum, vol. 222, January 2007, pp. 28-31, published in Japanese.
- ・(Peer-reviewed) “The United Nations and Global Governance: The Transition of the Sub-concepts of Managerial Accountability in the United Nations”, Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies (Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Law), vol. 5, no. 2, July 2006, pp. 179-223, published in Japanese.
- ・(Peer-reviewed) “The U.N. and the U.S.: The Future of Multilateralism Challenged by the Unilateralism of the U.S.”, International Relations (Japan Association of International Relations), vol. 144, February 2006, pp. 146-158, published in Japanese.
- ・(Peer-reviewed) “Verifying the oversight functions of the United Nations: Case Study from the Iraq Oil-for-Food Program”, Hitotsubashi Journal of Law and International Studies (Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Law), vol .4, no. 3, November 2005, pp. 299-329, published in Japanese.
- ・(Peer-reviewed) “The United Nations and Transparency International: Global Legalization against Corruption”, United Nations Studies (Japan Association for United Nations Studies), no. 6, May 2005, pp. 215-241, published in Japanese.
Papers Presented at Academic Conferences
- ・“Enhancing Accountability of the UNESCO Management -UNESCO's Financial Crisis since 2011-,” Paper submitted to the panel session of 2018 Annual Meeting of Academic Council of the United Nations System (ACUNS), Rome, Italy, 13 July 2018.
- ・“The UN Security Council Reforms and Historical Transformation of Concepts of Accountability: Towards Pragmatic Plural Accountability Mechanism”, panel session (FA18) of 57th International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, Atlanta, USA, 19 March 2016.
- ・“Demanding Accountability to the United Nations Security Council”, panel session of the 5th Research Meeting of Japan Association of Global Governance at Senshu University in Tokyo, Japan in Oct 2014 (Language: English).
- ・"UN Administration and the Concept of Accountability―Role of Audience", panel Session of the First Meeting of Kansai Branch of the Japan Association for Human Security Studies, Kobe, Japan in July 2012(Language:Japanese)
- ・“Transformation of the Concept of Accountability of the UN Security Council”, panel session (TC05) of the 52nd Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), Montreal, Quebec, Canada in March 2011 (Language: English).
- ・“Demanding Accountability in Global Politics—UN Security Council Reform from the Perspective of the Concept of Accountability”, panel session (FA58) of the 51st Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), New Orleans, LA, USA in February 2010 (Language: English).
- ・“Conceptual Analysis of Accountability: NGOs vs. IGOs”, panel session (WB42) of the 49th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), San Francisco, USA in March 2008 (Language: English).
- ・“Four General Models of Accountability for the United Nations”, poster session (TB99) of the 48th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA), Chicago, USA in March 2007 (Language: English).
- ・“A Ladder of Accountability in the United Nations: Managerial Accountability in the United Nations”, United Nations University Symposium on the Accountability of the United Nations, Tokyo, Japan in October 2006 (Language: English).
- ・“Conceptual Analysis of Managerial Accountability and New Public Management in the United Nations”, poster session (SB97) of the 46th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association (ISA) in San Diego, USA in March 2006 (Language: English).
- ・“Critical Analysis of the Report by the Independent Inquiry Committee into the UN Iraq Oil-for-Food Program”, panel session (FC13) of First Global International Studies Conference of the World International Studies Committee (WISC), Istanbul, Turkey in August 2005 (Language: English).
- ・“Contemporary Issues of the Oversight Function of the United Nations”, panel session, 7th Annual Convention of the Japan Association for United Nations Studies at the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan in May 2005 (Language: Japanese).