Special Lecture and Seminar
by Shouyong Shi

organized by Workshop for the Economics of Human Resource Allocation

Special Lecture


Title: Directed Search


Shouyong Shi
Professor at University of Toronto and Canada Research Chair (tier 1)

Syllabus: Click   syllabus
Slides : Click    slide 1 slide 2 slide 3 slide 4

 Date: March 9. 2012, 10:30-18:00

   Place: OSIPP Building, the 3rd Floor, Multimedia Seminar Room

(Access: http://www.osipp.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/access/ )



4th Search Theory Conference

(Jointly organized with Osaka University GCOE and Search Theory Workshop)


Date: March 10. 2012, 13:00-18:45

Place: Hotel Hankyu Expo Park

( http://www.hankyu-hotel.com/cgi-bin2/cms2/index_en.cgi?hid=24hhexpopark )


13:00-16:45 Room Ume (2nd Floor)

16:45-18:30 Room Mizudori (3rd Floor)




13:00-14:00: Shingo Ishiguro (Osaka University)

``Contracting with Search Frictions’’


14:15-15:15: Ryoichi Imai (Kyushu University)

``Resale and Middleman’’


15:30-16:30:  Katsuya Takii (Osaka University)

``Incentives to Invest in Match-Specific Human Capital in Competitive Search Equilibrium’’

with Keisuke Kawata (Hiroshima University)


17:00-18:30:  Special Seminar by Syouyong Shi (University of Tronto)

``Sectoral Shift, Job Mobility and Wage Inequality,’’

with Florian Hoffmann (University of British Columbia)


18:30-20:30:  Reception (Reception Fees: 1000 yen)



If you plan to attend the conference and/or the reception,

please e-mail your name, affiliation and address to

r-gotoh*iser.osaka-u.ac.jp (* should be @)

by March 3. 2012



Contact Information

Takii Office: 602sec*osipp.osaka-u.ac.jp (* should be @)



If you have any questions, e-mail to ``takii at osipp.osaka-u.ac.jp''
(`at' has to be changed to `@')
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